
Digital Marketing For Realtors

8 Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agencies in 2022

8 Insightful and Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agencies in 2022

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Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agencies

8 Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agencies in 2022

Our marketing analysts did volume research based on several keywords relevant to the real estate industry. The keyword phrases “homes for sale in Bradford” and “houses for sale in Fredericton” give us surprising results. More than 19% of searches done for the first keyword come from outside Ontario and similarly more than 31% of searches done for the second keyword come from outside New Brunswick. This shows that most people use the internet in their search for new homes even before relocating. Furthermore, A report published by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that all generations of home buyers begin their home search process with an online search.

This makes not only the online presence important for real estate agencies but they need also to adopt thorough and powerful digital marketing strategies to optimize search engines, grow web traffic, build an online reputation, and beat the competition. This article is designed to help you learn how to strengthen your real estate digital marketing to get more quality leads, make it easy for the right leads to find you, and thrive in the industry.

Inbound Marketing Strategy for
Real Estate Agencies

Although inbound marketing is not quite new, only a few realtors adopt it. Inbound marketing makes your customer acquisition more efficient. It focuses on attracting prospects who are more relevant to the offered services/products by crafting end-to-end processes and content tailored to them. So, how do we apply inbound marketing in the real estate industry?

Design Your Potential Customers’ Journey

Before anything, identify your target market and define your customer personas accurately. Then, think of all logical steps home buyers and sellers would take from visiting your media networks and engaging with your team to deal closing and beyond.  For every step, set your inbound marketing objectives, outline the right actions, and define the triggers that qualify every customer to the next step. 

Create valuable and relevant content that attracts your potential home buyers and sellers 

Subsequently, you need to build your content strategy. It should be relevant to your brand and customers and aligned with your customer’s journey. Content should be valuable and of high quality to attract the right leads to your website and active social networks. Your website must contain the core content that people may need for decision making such as property listings and geographic information, and other related information. Finally, drive more results by creating a blog that includes relevant topics. Make sure that your blog expresses your brand and builds more credibility as well as encourages your audience to start a conversation.

Engagement and Lead Nurturing Processes 

After attraction, you then need to apply your engagement steps in which your potential clients need to be informed, educated, and excited about your services and listings. Engaging with your clients, you definitely need to be a good listener, understand well their needs, and genuinely help them to take the right decision. As it’s a big investment, you need to build a more personalized and longer relationship helping them to buy. If they are satisfied they become your loyal customers and even your brand ambassadors.

It’s important to ensure that the flow of the entire process is straight, smooth, scenic, and most importantly, continually improved. Finally, to facilitate and control the processes, your team needs to be equipped with the right tools and technology such as marketing automation tools and CRM.

Building an effective online marketing strategy, from inbound marketing and SEO to advertising and lead nurturing, is now more necessary than ever to drive sustainable growth for real estate agencies.


Create Effective Email Marketing/Email Campaigns for Real Estate Agents

Email marketing is a powerful tool to build client relationships and nurture leads. Emails also allow to you easily segment your audience and run more personalized campaigns for a targeted group. Collect related emails from your website, Facebook page/group, or any method, and send your newsletter subscribers stuff they’re looking for. Here are some tips to ensure an effective email campaign:

  • Automate Emails: Automate the email marketing process and use drip email tools to personalize emails for each subscriber.

  • Subject Line: Focus on your subject line because 47% of recipients open an email based on the subject line.

  • Engaging Copy: Craft an engaging email copy that makes your recipients take the desired action you want.

  • Video Emails: This is trending now. Create attractive videos emails as they can get 81% more responses than written copy.

Online Marketing for Real Estate Agencies

Online Marketing Consultant

We offer expert online marketing consulting services for real estates agencies. Full Management Or Hourly Consulting - Including; Online Strategy, Inbound Marketing, Web and Mobile Development, SEO, PPC, Social Media, and more.

A User-friendly Real Estate Website is a Key

Website for Real Estate Agencies

With around 90% of real estate firms having a website, it’s crucial for your business to have a website. The NAR report indicates that 44% of buyers search for properties for sale online and 17% of them end up contacting a real estate agent.

A professional and mobile-friendly website makes it easy for your potential buyer to find you and access the information they need. While developing a website for your real estate agency, take care of these things:

  • Mobile-friendly Site: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly because a typical buyer uses mobile devices to search for properties online. The website’s loading speed should be fast.
  • Visually Attractive: Your website should be visually attractive and easy to navigate. A bad user experience can turn off a potential buyer.
  • High-Quality Graphics: Make sure all the property pages on your website have high-quality photos, videos, and virtual tours. Moreover, they should have easy access to Google Maps and Google Earth.
  • Ease to Browse Listing: Your listing should be easy to browse and should contain important information such as specifications, prices, etc.
  • Call to Action: Your website should have clear calls to action (CTAs) so that your visitors may take the desired action. Moreover, contact information should be clear.

Start an Engaging Real Estate Blog

Written content is at the core of any digital marketing strategy, and a blog is an effective medium to create engaging content and attract leads. The blog also helps build authority and improve your organic ranking in the search results.

When creating a blog or blog posts, make sure to:

  • Use Right Keywords: Use the right keywords that your potential buyers are searching for so you may appear in front of them.
  • Valuable Content: Create unique and valuable content that addresses the problems of your readers.
  • Be consistent: Be consistent with publishing and update your blog regularly to boost viewership.
  • Share: Share the content on social media channels to increase engagement.
The Interactive And Engaging Content

SEO for Real Estate - Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO Services

When developing a website or a blog, make sure to invest in SEO so that people can find it on search engines. SEO helps improve the ranking of your website and drives more traffic to your blog.

Here are some real estate SEO strategies to consider:

  • Local SEO: Make sure your business is visible in local search results. You can do this by using geo-specific keywords, creating location-based pages, listing your business on local web directories.
  • On-page SEO: Your blog should have optimized content, optimized title tag and meta description, internal linking, optimized images, and the right URL structure. It helps improve SERP ranking.
  • Optimize Google My Business (GMB) Listing: Make sure your business has fully optimized listing and legitimate NAP details (name, address, phone number) to improve local SEO and SERP ranking.
  • Off-page SEO: Invest in off-page SEO strategies such as link building, influencer outreach, and content marketing to increase the authority of your domain.

Create Attractive Home Videos

Video is an effective marketing tool for real estate agencies. Videos are more attention-grabbing and engaging as compared to other forms of content and can leave an everlasting impact on the viewer. According to a 2019 survey, video has helped 83% of marketers generate leads and 80% increase sales.

Here are a few ideas to create engaging videos:

  • Branded Videos: Using elements like video titles, thumbnails, signatures, and “behind the scenes” can help increase viewers’ interest.
  • Live Videos: Live streaming on your social media handles can help promote your real estate business by engaging viewers.
  • Testimonial Videos: A video featuring a testimonial from your satisfied customers can help leverage sales.
  • Listing Videos: An overview of the property with attractive aesthetics.
  • Guide Videos: Videos that guide viewers on how to do something, such as what to look for when buying a property, how to avoid foreclosure, etc.
  • Animated Videos: Short, highly engaging cartoon videos can not only help establish your brand but also help build a relationship with your target audience.
Video Marketing Services

Online Marketing services for Real Estate Agencies

Create an Appealing Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour Marketing Services

Virtual tours can help drive 87% more viewers than other forms of listings. 360-degree virtual tours help your client view a property virtually, which can help streamline the home buying process.

Here are a few tips to create successful virtual tours:

  • Real Footages: Use real footage of the property so that the viewer knows what they’re going to get.
  • 3D Tour: Create a 3D tour that’s intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Demo: Provide a demo of how your virtual tour works to help people understand how to navigate the tour.
  • Responsive: Make sure the video is interactive and responsive for mobile devices.

PPC for Real Estate - Invest in Real Estate Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC is a cost-effective marketing strategy to generate leads for your real estate business. A major benefit of PPC is that it usually appears on the top or bottom of search result pages, increasing your chances of coming in front of potential buyers. Moreover, you’ll only have to pay when someone clicks on your ads.  It means that PPC can give you a bigger return on investment.

Here are some PPC ads formats you may opt for:

  • Search Ads: Ads that appear on top of search result pages.
  • Shopping Ads: More targeted searches than search ads, such as “buy a home in Ohio”.
  • Display Ads: With display ads, you can feature your listing on other people’s websites.
  • Video Ads: Ads that play in between videos on YouTube.
  • Gmail Ads: Ads that appear at the top of a person’s Gmail inbox.
Real Estate PPC Advertising

Take Help of an Expert

To ensure the success of your real estate digital marketing, you should hire the right people to do the job. A professional real estate digital marketing company can help design and implement an effective digital marketing plan for the long-term success of your business.

If you have any questions about real estate digital marketing or need the help of a professional digital marketer, feel free to reach out to us. Our expert marketers will be happy to help!

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